Requires Pro+ subscription

linkQuick start

Type {Focus} in your Daily Jot to start your work cycle.

Use Ctr-O or Cmd-O then type "Reopen timer in sidebar" if you accidentally closed your timer.

Read the full docs here

linkChanges from the original plugin

linkDecember 2024

Added {Edit Settings} insert text to modify plugin options directly from Amplenote. This will update the settings on the app's Plugin settings screen.

Custom work time, break time, and warning time can be set prior to starting a session. Need to set customizeSettingBySession to true, otherwise defaults are used.

Warning bell goes off a set number of minutes before the end of the work phase

linkNovember 2024

Use {Focus} instead of {Start Focus} to start a session

Default start time is within the next 5 minutes

Default number of sessions is 1 session

Logging is stored under the tag plugins/amplefocus-alt

Added loadNoteText option for Amplefocus questions. Note logging is set to false by default.