WIth this plugin, you can add content to specific notes in your system without leaving the current screen/note. For it, you need to:

Open Quick Open using Ctrl + O

Type one of the commands or the plugin name in the field

Fill out the information you want to add, the format it should have and the home note

Here are the current options you can choose, this list will grow as the plugin gets updated:

Insert content inside a note (Quick Open)

It will open a general alert, follow the previously described steps to use it

The content will be added to the top of the note

Add journal entry to today's jot (Quick Open)

It will open an alert, asking you for the content to add to the current day's jot

Additionally, there's an option to add the current time, only with the current hour and minutes, before the text to be added

The content will be added to the top of the note

Insert time now (Curly brackets)

Inserts the current time to the current note, with the same functionality as the default {now} function, but with a style similar to Logseq and Roam Research

Can be accessed using the curly brackets, for quick access, just type {now and choose the plugin option in the dropdown menu

Publish schedule to Jot (Jots mode)

Publishes all tasks schedule to today in the daily jot

P.S. - It will only get tasks scheduled today that are still incomplete. It won't get overdue tasks from before today, nor completed tasks for today

Known issues:

If you try to insert a task into any note and the text of that task is multi-lined, it will show an error

You need to type "*" after using the Insert time now function to make the time bolded, this happens due to limitations in the insertText function of the API